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category : Entertainment : [Media]

Comics, Manga & Graphic Novels
Let's Talk Manga is a community based on Manga Appreciation (Manga is Japanese Style Comic Books). So much here for Manga fans to discover and enjoy.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Hip-Hop Comics
You've GOT to see this! Your favorite comic book hero origin stories set to rap!! #NuffSaid!
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Comic Power
Comic Power is a channel about Comic Book #collecting, investing and comics related entertainment.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

The #MakerMaddox channel on YouTube is more than just DIY tinkering and desktop #electronics projects. There's a LOT going on here
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Get The Picture?
Tired of getting your #SelfHelp and #motivation from #cheery #MorningPeople types? Come get some #inspiration in 5ish minute #animated doses from a foul mouthed unseen guru. It's actually fun.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Television & Movies
To Be Confirmed Productions
David Bradley has a TV & Film Review channel here that offers really insightful, interesting and helpful reviews.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Pretty Brown and Nerdy: 3 awesome women who explore nerd culture on an increasingly popular YouTube channel (and other social media).
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Salty Quill Studios
Awesome anime parodies complete with construction paper anime hair! Probably the most creative thing you'll see all day.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Chick With Flicks
I have recently stumbled upon what has quickly become one of my favorite movie review channels, Chick with Flicks. Carmen has some GREAT reviews with all the helpful info.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Jamie Hughes
Movie news and reviews and bonus features. This channel's been at it for a while with some fun reviews.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Working their way through b-movies and currently reviewing the 100 worst rated on IMDB. Who knew how bad bad movies actually were.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Sarah O'Connell Show
Sarah's Comedy channel now has 1k subs. Yay! Very good comedy related interviews from the UK. Fun stuff. #smallyoutubercommunity
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Doctor Video
Dr.Video so far mainly reviews Marvel Comics Universe movies. Good reviews if you're looking for a place to start. NSFW(Language)
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

Planet Calvin
A very nice #SciFi blog and review channel focusing mostly on the "Stranger Things" television series.
YouTube links: [home] [videos] [about]

NeedsMoresubs music
for sale on bandcamp!!


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